Offener Brief an die Gottscheer Zeitung - John Tschinkel

Forum 2002 - 2013
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Offener Brief an die Gottscheer Zeitung - John Tschinkel

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Beitrag von Forum 2002 - 2013 » Do 24. Apr 2014, 17:36

Abgeschickt von John Tschinkel am 22 Juli, 2003 um 21:52:58:

In der Juli 2003 Ausgabe, der Redaktionsausschuß der Gottscheer Zeitung behandelt "die große Tragödie von 1945" als den bestimmenden Punkt in unserer Geschichte.
Aber was meint der Redaktionsausschuß mit diesem Ausdruck "die große Tragödie von 1945" ?
Den Verlust der Häuser und Vermögen welche nicht die unseren waren ? Den Verlust der versprochenen Heimat im Reich welche sich aber im besetzten und angeschlossenem Slowenien befand ? Den Verlust unserer neuen Staatsangehörigkeit, erobert in 1941 ? Den Verlust des Krieges der uns heimatlos machte ?
Der bestimmende Punkt in unserer Geschichte ist die große Tragödie von 1941, das Jahr des Verlustes unsrer Heimat. Nicht 1945, wie der Redaktionsausschuß unter Leitung von Dr. Viktor Michitsch, Haupt der Gottscheer Arbeitsgemeinschaft, es behauptet.
Unser Heimatland war Gottschee, nicht ein verheimlichter Teil von Slowenien, aus welchem 37,000 vertrieben wurden um für uns Platz zu machen. Es was ein Verlust, nicht weil wir die Heimat freiwillig verließen, sondern weil wir von trügerischen Fanatikern betrogen wurden.
Auch wurden wir, in 1945, nicht aus Plätzen auf welchen wir als Besetzter und Angehörige des Dritten Reiches saßen, "vertrieben". Wir verließen diese Anfang Mai, nach Befehl von Gauleiter Uiberreiter aus dem Lande zu fliehen und uns zu retten. Unsere Abfahrt, bis damals verboten, wurde unsere "Flucht".
Michitsch behauptet "Tausende wurden hingerichtet". Auf der Flucht und in Lagern der Jugoslawischen Befreier!
Wilhelm Lampeter und Ludwig Kren, schreiben über den "Barbarismus" gegenüber den Gottscheern in deren Büchlein; "Berichte über die Umsiedlung und Vertreibung, sowie die Zeit danach". Aber diese beiden bezeichnen nicht einen einzigen Gottscheer welcher von den Jugoslawen ermordet wurde. Nicht auf der Flucht, nicht in den Lagern oder anderswo, um die Behauptung von Michitsch zu festigen.
Es scheint Viktor Michitsch hat seine eigene, aber bisher noch nicht veröffentlichte Quellen.
Aber anderswo wiederholt Michitsch Behauptungen von Wilhelm Lampeter, überzeugter Nationalsozialist, ehemaliger SS Sturmbannführer und 25 jähriger Leiter der Gottscheer Mannschaft, niedergeschrieben als Rechtfertigung seines Betruges an unserem Volk.
Weiterhin in seiner Rechtfertigung, Lampeter schiebt seine Verantwortung für die Tragödien der Ansiedlung an die SS. (Diese Texte wurden veröffentlicht und sind am Internet unter Gottscheer Volksgruppe, zu lesen).
Aber die SS hatte wenig Toleranz für solches in deren Reihen. Lampeter wurde Anfang 1942 als Leiter der Volksgruppe abgesetzt, und bekam eine neue Aufgabe.

Diese Aufgabe war Dienst in einer SS Einheit in Buchenwald, eines der berüchtigtsten Vernichtungslagern des Dritten Reiches.

Und, am 1. Januar 1945, wird er sogar ins SS-Hauptamt unter Himmler versetzt. Auch verlangte Lampeter Einzug von 16 Männern seines Mannschaftskreises in die SS. Welche "Aufgaben" erhielten diese ?

Trotz all dem wurde Lampeter, kurz nach Fall der Wall in 1989 als "Ehrenmitglied" in die Gottscheer Arbeitsgemeinschaft, AG, eingereiht. An seinem Wiedererscheinen umkreist von Leitern der AG, unter denen auch Viktor Michitsch, Lampeter erhielt sogar ein Abzeichen. Wir aber warten noch immer auf Bitte um Verzeihung für den Betrug des Gottscheer Volkes.
Anwesend am Wiedererscheinen in Oktober 1989, waren, unter anderen: Richard Lackner, Stabschef der Lampeter Mannschaft wie auch Ludwig Kren, Mitarbeiter an der Gottscheer Zeitung, das damalige Propagandaorgan der Gottscheer Nationalsozialisten. All diese "Ehrenmitglieder" nahmen Teil an regelmäßigen Versammlungen der AG Leitung. Zu etlich Solchen kam auch Avgust Gril, Leiter des Altsiedler Vereines in Slowenien und Mitglied der AG.
Also, über die Neigung und politische Orientierung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft, deren Gottscheer Zeitung und dessen Haupt, Dr. Viktor Michitsch, kann der Leser selbst entscheiden !
Zuletzt geändert von Forum 2002 - 2013 am Di Feb 14, 2023 11:55 am, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Forum 2002 - 2013
Beiträge: 220
Registriert: So Feb 12, 2023 6:09 pm

Open letter to the Gottscheer Zeitung - John Tschinkel

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Beitrag von Forum 2002 - 2013 » Do 24. Apr 2014, 17:37

Abgeschickt von John Tschinkel am 22 Juli, 2003 um 21:58:02:

In the July 2003 issue, the editorial board of the GZ refers to the "great tragedy of 1945" as the defining point in our history.
Whatever do they mean by this "great tragedy of 1945" ? The loss of homes and properties which were not ours ? The loss of the promised place in the Reich which turned out to be occupied Slovenia ? The loss of our German citizenship, acquired only four years before ? The loss of the war by Nazi Germany which made us homeless ?
The defining point in our history is the great tragedy of 1941, the year of the loss our homeland. Not 1945 as the editorial board headed by Dr. Viktor Michitsch, the leader of the AG, the Gottscheer Arbeitsgemeinschaft, is suggesting.
Our homeland was Gottschee, not the Slovenia from which 37,000 residents were expelled to make room for us. It was a loss, not because we left Gottschee of free will, but because we were deceived by false and deceptive fanatics. Those who resisted are still living there.
We were not expelled in 1945 from the places we occupied as citizens of the Third Reich. We left in the beginning of May after Gauleiter Uiberreither ordered us to flee the country to save our lives. Our departure, denied us until then, became known as the "die Flucht" (the escape).
According to Viktor Michitsch , "thousands died" died during the Flucht and in the brutal camps of the Yugoslavs ! However, Wilhelm Lampeter and Ludwig Kren, searching for facts on the "Barbarism" toward the Gottscheer, published a booklet, "Berichte über die Umsiedlung und Vertreibung, sowie die Zeit danach". ( Reports over the Resettlement and Expulsion and the Time thereafter). But they could not list one single killing of Gottscheer by the Yugoslavs in the camps, or elsewhere.
It appears that Viktor Michitsch has his own, to date unpublished, sources.
But elsewhere, Michitsch echoes the opinion of Wilhelm Lampeter, the SS Sturmbannführer and 25 year old leader of those who tricked us into leaving our homeland.
These echoes repeat Lampeter's writing in which he justifies his forcing the Gottscheer to resettle. In this writing, Lampeter dares to blame the SS for his bungled effort to take care of the settlers when they arrived at their destination. (These papers are now public and available on the Internet under Gottscheer Volksgruppe).
But the SS did not tolerate finger pointing in their ranks. Lampeter was dismissed as leader of the Gottscheer in the Spring of 1942 and given a new assignment.

His new duties were with an SS unit in Buchenwald, the most notorious extermination camp of the Nazis.

And on Jan 1, 1944, he was transferred to the SS Headquarters directly under Himmler. Lampeter had requested that 16 members of his inner Gottscheer leadership circle also be taken into the SS. What new "assignments" did they receive ?

But, in spite of all this, Lampeter was taken into the AG and elected "Honored Member" shortly after the fall of Wall in 1989. At his reappearance in October 1989, surrounded by leaders of the AG, including Viktor Michitsch, Lampeter was even given a medal. But we are still waiting for an apology for the betrayal of the Gottscheer people.
Also present were Richard Lackner, Chief of Staff of Lampeter's Mannschaft and Ludwig Kren contributor to the Gottscheer Zeitung when it was the propaganda organ of the Gottscheer Nazis. All these "Honored Members" attended regular policy meetings of the AG leadership. Some such meetings were attended by Avgust Grill, Leader of the Altsiedler Verein in Slovenia, a member of the AG.
Given the above, the reader can draw his own conclusions about the bias and political orientation of the AG, the Gottscheer Zeitung and its head, Dr. Viktor Michitsch !
Zuletzt geändert von Forum 2002 - 2013 am Di Feb 14, 2023 11:56 am, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Forum 2002 - 2013
Beiträge: 220
Registriert: So Feb 12, 2023 6:09 pm

Open letter to the GHGA - John Tschinkel

Beitrag von Forum 2002 - 2013 »

Beitrag von Forum 2002 - 2013 » Do 24. Apr 2014, 17:38

Abgeschickt von John Tschinkel am 22 Juli, 2003 um 22:04:06:

To: Elizabeth Nick, President, Sophia Stalzer-Wyant, Director

As you may recall, I resigned my life membership in the GHGA when you and your Board decided to become a member the Gottscheer Arbeitsgemeinschaft (AG), headquartered in Klagenfurt, Austria.

When you joined the AG, you were aware that it was a political organization, actively antagonistic toward the Slovene government and that it had as members former Nazis, among them former SS Sturmbannführer Wilhelm Lampeter.

It has now become public knowledge that immediately after completing his task of deceiving the Gottscheer to move into Nazi occupied and ethnically cleansed Slovenia, Lampeter was re-assigned by Himmler for duty in an SS Unit in Buchenwald, one of the most notorious Nazi extermination camps. And further, on 1/1/45, he was selected to serve in the Headquarters of the SS under Heinrich Himmler.

While you were aware that Lampeter was a former SS officer when you joined the AG, I trust you were not aware of his assignment to the Buchenwald extermination camp after he accomplished the Gottscheer Ingathering task.
You may also not have been aware that Lampeter, now recently deceased, recommended to Himmler that 16 members of the Gottscheer leadership group, of which he was Head, be taken into the SS. Their role between 1942-1945 is being researched and the findings will be made public.

But you were aware that Lampeter, as well as Richard Lackner, Chief of Staff of Lampeters leadership group and Ludwig Kren, contributor to the Gottscheer Zeitung when it was under Lampeter, were made "Honored Members" and Cultural Advisers" in the AG. Lampeter was even awarded a medal by the AG.

And you surely were aware that Lampeter, Lackner and Kren actively participated in policy meetings of the AG leadership. These meetings, their attendance and agendas were published in the Gottscheer Zeitung. Some were devoted exclusively to policy toward Slovenia and included Avgust Gril, the Leader of the Altsiedler Verein which is a member of the AG and recipient of GHGA membership funds.

In spite of knowing all this and without consulting your general membership, you joined the AG.

In view of the above, I expect you will resign your membership in the AG since it is certain the general public will not react kindly, knowing that you are part of an organization that honors such individuals. I believe that you need to do this to prevent embarrassment to your membership and the Gottscheer at large, most of which were received with open arms as refugees in the USA, a country that lost so much blood in freeing the world of the brutal Nazis dictatorship.

And please remember, when we became citizens of the USA, we swore allegiance to the flag of the country that gave us new hope and new opportunities. This should be particularly apparent to the Board of Directors of the GHGA that includes a retired officer of the US Army.

John Tschinkel
Zuletzt geändert von Forum 2002 - 2013 am Di Feb 14, 2023 11:56 am, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Forum 2002 - 2013
Beiträge: 220
Registriert: So Feb 12, 2023 6:09 pm

•open letter to janež j. tschinkel - ein echter Gottscheer

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Beitrag von Forum 2002 - 2013 » Do 24. Apr 2014, 17:42

Abgeschickt von ein echter Gottscheer am 26 Juli, 2003 um 12:28:29:

John Tschinkel has a tremendous amount of time and energy but he seems to have dedicated his life to the agenda of making Gottscheer intellectuals miserable with his antiGottscheer political campaign.As a matter of fact he now controls this formerly great website.I wish that he would put his impressive wealth and energy towards a positive goal.