Abgeschickt von Goran Schrott am 20 September, 2005 um 20:23:57:
Mr.Joseph Gladitsch you have a great site but you do great wrong to the 12000 Gottscheer people who resettled by branding them all as nazis ,most of them were devout Christians not national socialists as you try so hard to ascertain with dubious documents.
eat wrong to these hardworking devoutly Catholic Christians not national socialists. Josef Gladitsch you give credibility to people who give too much emphasis on nazi politics.Slovenia has a richer culture because of the Gottscheer peoples unique songs traditions language and customs.
great site but... - Goran Schrott
- Beiträge: 220
- Registriert: So Feb 12, 2023 6:09 pm
great site but... - Goran Schrott
Zuletzt geändert von Forum 2002 - 2013 am So Feb 19, 2023 4:47 pm, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
- Beiträge: 220
- Registriert: So Feb 12, 2023 6:09 pm
Re: great site but... - Goran Schrott
Abgeschickt von Goran Schrott am 21 September, 2005 um 16:50:16:
Antwort auf: great site but... von Goran Schrott am 20 September, 2005 um 20:23:57:
Mr.Josef Gladitsch you removed my message,you only censor messages that you do not like.You are a hypocrate.
Antwort auf: great site but... von Goran Schrott am 20 September, 2005 um 20:23:57:
Mr.Josef Gladitsch you removed my message,you only censor messages that you do not like.You are a hypocrate.
Zuletzt geändert von Forum 2002 - 2013 am So Feb 19, 2023 4:48 pm, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
- Beiträge: 220
- Registriert: So Feb 12, 2023 6:09 pm
Re: great site but... - Josef Gladitsch
Abgeschickt von Josef Gladitsch am 21 September, 2005 um 17:02:29
Antwort auf: Re: great site but... von Goran Schrott am 21 September, 2005 um 16:50:16:
Mr. Schrott,
I removed anything - you find your "anonym" guestbook-entry here in the forum.
For your Gottschee fairy tale ..... please read first the Frensing book !
You wrote: .... Slovenia has a richer culture, because of the Gottscheer peoples unique songs traditions language and customs ...
Oh boy, what an illusion .... (:-)))
Antwort auf: Re: great site but... von Goran Schrott am 21 September, 2005 um 16:50:16:
Mr. Schrott,
I removed anything - you find your "anonym" guestbook-entry here in the forum.
For your Gottschee fairy tale ..... please read first the Frensing book !
You wrote: .... Slovenia has a richer culture, because of the Gottscheer peoples unique songs traditions language and customs ...
Oh boy, what an illusion .... (:-)))