The Gottscheer Hymn

John Tschinkel
Beiträge: 30
Registriert: So Feb 12, 2023 2:47 pm

The Gottscheer Hymn

Beitrag von John Tschinkel »

Beitrag von John Tschinkel » So 13. Dez 2015, 21:46

Dü hoscht lei oin Attain, oin Ammain dərtsüə, dü hoscht lei oin Höimöt, Göttscheabarschər Püə.
Avoar in der Barəlt, gait‘s Laitə gənüəkh, döch liəbər ahoime ischt dar Göttscheabarschə Püə.
Də Göttscheaberschn Laitə, hent ollə shö güət, shai hent ollə biə Priədrə, shai- hent ollə oin Plüət.
A rachtər Göttscheabar, ob uərm ödər raich, ar liəbət shain Hoimöt, grut biə‘s ins Himmlraich.
Göt Vuatər in Himml, bir patn guəar schean, shö luəß insch inshər Lantle, in Vridn pəschtean!
--- Composed by Wilhelm Tschinkel, 1926
You have but one daddy, a mommy to add, you have but one homeland, Gottscheer lad,
Out in the world, many people are glad, but he prefers his home, this Gottscheer lad.
The Gottscheer folks, all brothers swell, all of one blood, all loving and well.
A true Gottscheer, poor or rich, loves his land and home, ‘til he enters heaves dome.
God, Father in Heaven, we pray in refrain, let our little land in peace remain!
--- Translated and rhymed by John Tschinkel, 2014
The original above was composed by Wilhelm Tschinkel around 1926, an expatriate Gottscheer who lived in Rosegg, Austria.
It is still sung in its original at Gottschee–American cultural events even though few, if any, understand it.

John Tschinkel