The story of the Gottscheer Umsiedlung - Henry Stalzer
Verfasst: Mo Feb 13, 2023 5:16 pm
Abgeschickt von Henry Stalzer am 28 November, 2004 um 18:04:11:
The story of the Umsiedlung needs to be told honestly and with an apology to the Slovene whose lives where destroyed as a result, or nearly so. The Pope apologized to the Jews and surely, the Gottscheer can follow his example and apologize to the Slovene! An formal apology would be accepted by all; it has already been accepted in individual instances! Now, it needs to be done on an all inclusive basis. Especially since large numbers of the younger generation still have no idea that there was culpability involved.
The story of the Umsiedlung needs to be told honestly and with an apology to the Slovene whose lives where destroyed as a result, or nearly so. The Pope apologized to the Jews and surely, the Gottscheer can follow his example and apologize to the Slovene! An formal apology would be accepted by all; it has already been accepted in individual instances! Now, it needs to be done on an all inclusive basis. Especially since large numbers of the younger generation still have no idea that there was culpability involved.