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Thank you Mr. Tschinkel - Rupert Konig

Verfasst: Mo Feb 13, 2023 5:24 pm
von Forum 2002 - 2013
Abgeschickt von Rupert Konig am 07 August, 2003 um 19:02:55:

Thank you Mr. Tschinkel for your effort to restore honor to our heritage. It seems you are the only Gottscheer willing to face those who are still trying to control our minds. I salute you for your courage.
Please remind them that they still owe us an apology for having convinced us with lies to leaving our homeland.

Thank you Mr. Tschinkel ! - Gottscheer

Verfasst: Mo Feb 13, 2023 5:24 pm
von Forum 2002 - 2013
Abgeschickt von Gottscheer am 07 August, 2003 um 20:31:49:

Antwort auf: Thank you Mr. Tschinkel von Rupert Konig am 07 August, 2003 um 19:02:55:

I salute you also for your courage !


No thank you Mr.Tschinkel - Robert Murdock

Verfasst: Mo Feb 13, 2023 5:25 pm
von Forum 2002 - 2013
Abgeschickt von Robert Murdock am 08 August, 2003 um 17:34:06:

In 1919 because of the Treaty of St.Germain ,the Dutchy of Gottschee was taken away from Austria and given to the newly created country of Yugoslavia.Yugoslavia gradually proceeded to take away all political and cultural rights from the German speaking Gottscheer people.This caused many Gottscheers to leave Gottschee.Then under the communist Tito regime the AVNOJ decrees were enforced therefore absolutely taking away all the rights of the Gottscheer-Germans.The Gottscheers who remained in Gottschee after the Tito regime took power had to hide their Gottscheer-German background or be imprisoned in the Tito regime conscentration camp Sterntal then either murdered or deported.Therefore many of the Gottscheer people had to flee to the west by any means possible to avoid the rath of Tito,who even committed genocide against his own people. No thank you Mr.Tschinkel for your pro-communist anti-gottscheer agenda.

Mr. Murdock - "echter Gottscheer" ?? - John Tschinkel

Verfasst: Mo Feb 13, 2023 5:26 pm
von Forum 2002 - 2013
Abgeschickt von John Tschinkel am 09 August, 2003 um 19:43:07:

Mr. Murdock, "echter Gottscheer" ??

Another "echter Gottscheer" afraid to use his real name. Doesn't that say something?
Yes; -- his entry could have been written by a Lampeter, Lackner or Kren as part of their self justification.

Facts are:
1: - Cultural rights. After resettlement, the culture of the Gottscheer was to disappear entirely. This was spelled out in "Ideologie der Einsammlungspolitik" by SS Obersturmbannführer Dr. Fähnrich. (Frensing, page 145). Lampeter, Lackner and Kren knew this. As proof of this ideology, we were forbidden by our teacher after the resettlement, to speak Gottscheer in school and at home. German only!!!!
By contrast, those who resisted the persuasion and stayed, can freely practice their culture. Even Kren now has the right in Slovenia to teach our language to the kids of the Gottscheer Altsiedler. They come to his class because they get free vacations in Carinthia !!!

2: - Anti Communism, just like anti Catholicism, was used by the Lampeter, Lackner, Kren, etc., leadership group to persuade the Gottscheer to move. According to Frensing (page 86); "Catholicism is treated in the inner leadership circle as a universalistic view of the world which must be exterminated". This was their reaction to the priests who were against the resettlement and called them "snotboys".
After 1945, AVNOJ was used by Yugoslavia to get rid of all parts of the invader of the state, not only Gottscheer. It is now used for self justification by the "Ehrenmitglieder" and is basis for the antagonism of the AG toward Slovenia.

To these Gottscheer leaders Communism, like Nazism, is a matter of convenience. The Ehrenmitglieder" now claim to be devout Christians. The fanatical Lampeter, one time Gestapo SS officer, leader of Gestapo guards in Buchenwald, was very comfortable in Communist East Germany as a university professor, a state position demanding total party loyalty. And the "echte Gottscheer", having sworn loyalty to the US flag, hide their names so as not to betray their leanings.

Ideology is the thing. Being a Gottscheer has little to do with it. But brainwash works best on small brains. And the brains of Mr. Murdock must be very, very small indeed.

No thank you Mr.Tschinkel - echter Gottscheer

Verfasst: Mo Feb 13, 2023 5:27 pm
von Forum 2002 - 2013
Abgeschickt von echter Gottscheer am 28 August, 2003 um 22:28:24:

Mr. Tschinkel's hero is the genocidal Yugoslav dictator Tito and his partisan henchmen. Tito leveled the church and village of Goettenitz and made the site a military base with a massive underground bunker. Goettenitz and the surrounding region was off-limits to all non military personnel for fifty years. The resettlement of the Gottscheers was meant to be a liberation of the Gottscheer people from their Yugoslav opressors. The Tito Yugoslav communist partisans killed father Schauer who was at that time the major advocate for the idea that the Gottscheer-germans should not resettle. Tito wanted the Gottscheers to leave because he wanted to collectivise the Gottscheer farms. The only Gottscheers who survived Tito's regime were those who left with Lampeter, (the Moses of the Gottscheer people) who wanted to take us to the promised land (Germany) and those who were bilingual and changed their names so that they could assume a slavic identity. No thank you Mr.Tschinkel for your pro-communist anti-Gottscheer-German views. Wilhelm Lampeter saved the lives of thousands of Gottscheers by resettling them and therefore now the Gottscheer culture enriches every nation in which they now reside.

Re: No thank you Mr.Tschinkel - maridi

Verfasst: Mo Feb 13, 2023 5:27 pm
von Forum 2002 - 2013
Abgeschickt von maridi am 05 September, 2003 um 09:15:10

Antwort auf: No thank you Mr.Tschinkel von echter Gottscheer am 28 August, 2003 um 22:28:24:

ich glaube, dass trotz allem ich sagen muss - die tito partisanen haben schauer nicht umgebracht. die italiener haben ihn im jahre 1941 eingesperrt, er musste auf dem kalten betonboden schlafen usw. er war schon so um die 70 jahre alt und ist dann deswegen gestorben. er ist in poellandl begraben. ich bin kein partisanen fan - glauben sie mir, aber es ist die wahrheit.
im tito regime haetten die gottscheer wohl keine chance gehabt: man hat auch die deutschen aus banat und kroation vertrieben. ich habe genug von tito erlebt, dass ich es weiss - gottscheer zu sein war und ist noch heute nicht erwünscht, man muss es tolerieren, EU wegen.
ach, ja - seit ich aus dem altsiedler verein ausgestiegen bin gibt es keinen gottscheer unterricht mehr in der gottscheer begegnugsstaette.

"Echter Gottscheer" ??? - John Tschinkel

Verfasst: Mo Feb 13, 2023 5:28 pm
von Forum 2002 - 2013
Abgeschickt von John Tschinkel am 30 August, 2003 um 13:51:04:

The "Echter Gottscheer" is a very confused person.

Göttenitz was abandoned by the Gottscheer residents in 1941. Tito converted the village into a fortress many years after 1945. The village, like the enclave had been empty for at least 4 years.

In 1941 when the Gottscheer moved out of the enclave, nobody had even heard of Tito. There was no Tito in Slovenia until much later. In 1941 there was no oppressor. The Italians were Hitlers allies and friends.

In 1941 when the Gottscheer moved out, the Reich was at the peak of its power. Surely Lampeter did not believe that the Reich was going to lose the war in 1945 ??? So how could he be the savior of the Gottscheer by moving us to another part of Slovenia and not the promised land of Germany. He lied and betrayed.

In 1942 Lampeter was relieved of being the Leader of the Gottscheer. He had accomplished his assignment. In 1942 he became a Gestapo Staff officer in Buchenwald, the most notorious of all the Nazi concentration camps. He surely did a splendid job there as well.

After the end of the war 1945, he chose to live in Communist East-Germany where this hater of Communism became one himself. You had to be Communist to teach at a University. But university professor Lampeter was a fanatic; able to work under any totalitarian system.

Lampeter saved no one but betrayed all. Those who left no longer learn, read or speak the Gottscheer language, never mind doing any enrichment, anywhere. Most of them no longer learn, read or speak German.

But there is one place where the Gottscheer language is still learned. In Slovenia, by the descendants of those Gottscheer who stayed.

The "Echter Gottscheer" is not only very confused, but does not know elementary history.

Brainwashed? You bet !!! No wonder he does not want to give his name.

pray for Mr.Tschinkel - echter Gottscheer

Verfasst: Mo Feb 13, 2023 5:28 pm
von Forum 2002 - 2013
Abgeschickt von echter Gottscheer am 04 September, 2003 um 22:08:15:

This could now be called the official Mr.Tschinkel home page because there is so much Tschinkel information in the content of this web-site. Mr. Tschinkel wrote that his Gottscheer father attempted suicide and also tried to murder his own son (John Tschinkel)during the "Umsiedlung".This is very sad ,let us all pray for healing of John's very deep psychogical wounds.John Tschinkel is trying to reach out to his fellow Gottscheers for help.John we love you as a brother but please try to seek professional help and we will pray for your recovery.

Does the "Echter" get anything right ?? - John Tschinkel

Verfasst: Mo Feb 13, 2023 5:29 pm
von Forum 2002 - 2013
Abgeschickt von John Tschinkel am 06 September, 2003 um 22:00:19:

The "Echter Gottscheer" gets nothing right !!

My father's attempt at suicide and the attempted killing of his son did not happen during the "Umsiedlung" (1941) as misquoted by the "Echter".

It happened during the "Flucht" or flight out of Slovenia after the end of the war in May 1945.

I described this and other personal events relevant to the plight of the Gottscheer in a seminar called "Pulverfass Balkan" at the Widukind Gymnasium in Enger Germany. The Neue Westfalische Zeitung covered and reported on the event. My talk is repeated in full on the Internet and can be viewed in either Google or Yahoo under "John Tschinkel". It also appears in under Erlebnisberichte.

The action of my father on that May 11, 1945, was the action of a man driven to despair by this seemingly final blow handed him by providence. The loss of everything he possessed, all his property, his earthly goods, his pride. In his state of clinical depression, the only way out was to end it all, an action repeated by many others, albeit more successfully, during those tragic days of May 1945.

After dodging bullets for almost four years in the bloody battles of the Isonzo, he lost his right leg to gangrene and amputation as a result of an inflamed minor cut, mainly because at the end of the war there was a lack of antiseptics. His fiancée was sent off to America by her parents since they did not wish her to be married to a "Krippel". A Slovene woman overlooked this defect, married him and became my mother. As an outsider she was not accepted in the village and was treated as a Slavic "Untermensch".

A short 10 years later he was pressured to abandon all his property for a place in the Reich which turned out to be just another part of Slovenia, less than 60 miles away. Pressured to move in spite of his "inferior" wife. "You can not remain in the village all by yourself" persuaded him and most others to leave. But this was when the Reich was at its peak and loosing the war was out of the question.

All that began to change and it soon became obvious that he could neither stay on his allocated land nor go back to his roots in Masern. After only a short 3 1/2 years in the 1000 year Reich, all was lost. The final blow. And on May 11, 1945 after three sleepless nights and days in the horror of the "Flight" and now in total depression, he gave up, trying to take me with him on his final trip. Fortunately, he failed.

This episode and all other events during my first 14 years of life will shortly appear in a book from a major publisher. It should give the "Echter" and others of similar bent ample opportunity to continue to deliver blows below the belt.

pray for Mr.Tschinkel - Echter

Verfasst: Mo Feb 13, 2023 5:30 pm
von Forum 2002 - 2013
Abgeschickt von Echter am 05 November, 2003 um 15:48:56:

Dear Mr.Tschinkel, I hope that you have recovered and feel better,if so,our prayers have been answered.